About Embryo Cryopreservation 

Cryopreservation is the technique of long-term storage of embryos. Sometimes it becomes necessary to keep the embryos because of some medical conditions, or it could be a patient’s personal choice who desires to have one at an older age. Services of embryo cryopreservation and cryopreservation of sperm are offered in several infertility hospitals. The charges for freezing the embryos depend upon the hospital. Nevertheless, special attention is required to safely and proficiently perform the cryopreservation process, as it involves delicate processes of low-temperature embryo freezing. 

Aastha Fertility Care in Jaipur is… if you are looking for a trustworthy IVF center with all the latest ART services that help cure infertility in one place with the best IVF results. The IVF clinic has been solving a lot of infertility issues using IVF lately and provides one with all the latest services in embryo cryopreservation and sperm cryopreservation. 

Dr. Namita Kotia, an IVF specialist and one of the core founders of the clinic, is excellently qualified and highly knowledgeable when it comes to curing infertility; she has built the clinic up to a name for itself, becoming one of the best IVF clinics in Jaipur City. The Infertility hospital offers various packages for their services whereby the patients can choose what they feel comfortable with concerning their treatment. 

Embryo Cryopreservation

In these situations, the woman undergoing IVF is being treated with hormonal drugs to allow for stimulation and provide her ova with the possibility of developing to a few cultures. The amount of embryos available for implantation becomes great since a number of these embryos are produced in labs after being left in vitro until they have triggered development. 

In the course of an IVF cycle, embryos that are not transferred into the womb can be preserved in storage for future utilization. This storage of embryos for future use at extremely low temperatures is referred to as embryo cryopreservation. Typically embryos are frozen between day 1 and day 7 of their development. 

Frozen embryos are generally placed in the uterus of the patient on either an ovulatory cycle or an artificial cycle. Extra frozen embryos can either be used by the patient for future IVF treatments or may be donated and used by other couples for their own IVF treatment. 

What is Pediatric Oncology

Mostly, a doctor will not transfer in one cycle more than 2 embryos into the womb, so the extra embryos are kept alive and can be stored for future IVF procedures. The process of storing extra embryos in a very cold environment is called embryo cryopreservation. 

Vitro Fertilization or IVF Treatment

IVF basically is a process where eggs from a woman are artificially fertilized with sperm in an artificial environment, generally speaking, a lab. The living conditions created for fertilization are exactly like those in a woman’s womb. For conducting the IVF procedure either the patient’s eggs or donor’s eggs are used. Generally, in the case of IVF, the patient’s eggs are used; when the doctors use donor eggs for carrying out an IVF process, it is called IVF with Donor Eggs.

Normally, a physician implants no more than two embryos into the womb in each cycle; thus, there is extra room available for the embryos to be kept and later used in further IVF procedures. Cryopreservation of embryos refers to the freezing of embryos at very low temperatures for the purpose of long-term storage. 

Embryos are implanted and must attach to the inner wall of the uterus. The process is only successful if they attach themselves well. Confirmation of a successful pregnancy can only occur after one week or a maximum of 15 days following the IVF process. A blood test is performed to confirm the pregnancy. 

How Long Can Embryos Be Stored

The embryos are stored in sealed nitrogen freezers at a very low temperature. These embryos can remain frozen in nitrogen for years, but just how long they might be frozen safely and remain in saleable condition is not exactly known. Some countries have set a definite limit to the number of years an embryo may remain in liquid nitrogen. 

Embryo Cryopreservation Safe

This is a frequent query of a lot of patients, about how effective and safe it is to store embryos and whether can they be used at any time whenever a patient wants to conceive. To answer this a lot of studies have shown that freezing and thawing the embryos have no harmful or ill effects on the health of the baby. It is seen that babies who are born by using frozen embryos have no more birth defects or health issues than babies who were born not using frozen embryos. Hence it is as safe as using fresh embryos for the IVF process. 

Cost of Embryo Cryopreservation

Only a few hospitals offer free embryo cryopreservation and other services similar to those in Pediatric Oncology for a limited duration. The IVF cost of freezing the embryos may differ from city to city as every hospital has its own prices and basic claims. The costs of embryo freezing at Aastha Fertility Care, Jaipur, ranked among the best IVF centers in Jaipur, are as follows. 

The hospital requires an initial deposit of 10,000 INR for all Indian patients, while the initial amount for all other foreigners and NRI patients is 1000 dollars before processing embryo cryopreservation. 

After that, a deposit of INR 5,000 or 400 dollars is taken after the next six months of treatment. The charge for transferring the frozen embryo is INR 30,000 or 1250 dollars at the clinic. 

Why Aastha Fertility Care for Infertility Issues

The IVF Centre in Jaipur started its services in 2005 with all the latest medical amenities and technologies, in addition to a highly experienced team of doctors. The IVF hospital is known to provide transparent treatments with high emotional and physical support to its patients. Aastha Fertility Care provides their IVF patients with other newest remedial techniques such as embryo cryopreservation, sperm cryopreservation, and so forth. They have been known to provide the most effective and positive results in their treatments. To learn more about the hospital check out the official site of the hospital.