Earn Money by Mobile Phones Repairing

According to a report released by SquareTrade, two cell phone screens crack each second in the US, making a total of 5,761 cracked screens in an hour. This fragility has resulted in constant improvements in cell phone technology that have triggered a 1.5% growth rate in the repair industry in 2021.


The essence of these figures and facts is that cell phone repair shops will not become redundant or even stagnant for a long period. Each cell phone business demands relentless upgrading and adaptability of cell phone repair shop software and services.


To outlast the competitors, cell phone repair shop owners face the need to diversify their services. For that, they need to upgrade to new services to attract more customers and earn more revenue. If you are considering buying a Low-Budget Phone.


Increase Accessories

One easy addition to your cell phone repair shop can be increasing accessories peg space.

An ideal way to go about it is to sell a customer screen protector and cell phone case when they just had it repaired. Your staff can teach them how to keep the newly restored cell phone safe by offering products that will benefit them. 


Even your accessory range in your cell phone repair shop software can go above and beyond screen protectors or cases. You can customize it and add headphones, chargers, wearables, speakers, etc. The key here is to make your business more than a cell phone repair shop by reshaping it into a retail shop. 


Completing Orders with Dropship

While increasing the stock of your accessories sounds excellent, you can not entirely depend on them. The size of your accessory range is directly related to the size of your cell phone repair shop and your investment. 


To add more value to your customer’s cell phone repair experience, you can provide them with dropship items. Dropship will give them the ability to order from your cell phone repair shop and get the product delivered to their doorstep straight from your vendors. The best part about this new service is that you will not have to capitalize on the inventory until you receive the customer’s cash. 


Offer Protection Plans and Warranties 

Warranty is an added option that gives customers the surety that they can come back to you if their cell phone does not work properly. By extending warranty options, you will uplift customers confidence in your repair services and parts. 


You can also allow them to purchase additional plans for their cell phones so that the next time something breaks, they can get it fixed under that plan.


For example, for $12 per month, you can help with loss, device malfunction, and damage in addition to tech support. By giving these protection plans, you will be offering customers full service and peace of mind simultaneously making revenue for your cell phone repair shop. 


Currently, there is a lot of rumor going around about the iPhone that it will stop security updates in the 14 after lunch of the iPhone 15. There will be no chance to stop security updates in iOS.


Integrating Buybacks and Trade-Ins

The buyback option of cell phones can motivate customers to trade their cell phones. It is also an alternative to getting costly repairs. This added service can encourage incoming customers to sell their old devices for better ones. Then you can source pre-owned devices and trade them at a higher price. This technology has changed the way we Used to Live Life.


Providing programs that support buybacks and trade-ins is a simple technique to diversify your cell phone repair shop’s business, get additional revenue, and offer the ultimate solution to your customers. You can also use integrated vendors from your cellphone repair shop software for buybacks and give the current value of the customer’s device in the market. The challenge of over-valuing the device will then be shifted to the 3rd party, thus protecting you.


Retailing Pre Owned Devices

You must be wondering what to do with the traded devices. Here is what you do. You make the most of it by repairing it and selling it to new customers on higher margins. It fits most customers’ requirements of getting less expensive devices with better features.


This new service may also attract more customers who don’t necessarily need a repair service. They are just in search of a high-end device at a lower cost. With what your cell phone repair shop is offering, they have come to the right place.  


Providing Spare Parts to Small Repair Shops

Spare parts are the most critical aspect of the cell phone repair business. Customers today need high-speed service, which is dependent on the in-stock parts in the inventory. Leverage this demand to your advantage by selling spare parts to small cell phone repair shops near you. 


It will not only help you to expand your business beyond repair but will also enable you to earn more profit margins. For example, when you purchase spare parts in bulk from Injured Gadgets, you get your desired products at an optimal price with a significant discount. 


By considering how you can diversify your cell phone repair services beyond repair. Not only will this, but it also enables you to generate higher profits when coupled with the categories mentioned above. So devise your expansion strategy today, and get ready to provide the ultimate retail experience to your customers.

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